Concierge Doctor in North Palm Beach Vidal Medical Concierge
At the office of Vidal Medical Concierge in Juno Beach, patients can meet with Dr. Yael Vidal and get her direct input and feedback with regard to any medical concerns that they have. Dr. Vidal further applies a preventive approach, which not only tries to combat and cure existing medical symptoms or illness, but also tries to prevent or mitigate recurring conditions or other medical risks. Our society and community are plagued with diabetes and heart disease, and it is important to provide full medical attention to every patient and his or her concerns and particular characteristics and lifestyle, which is exactly what a Concierge Physician can do. This unique setting further allows patients to proactively approach Dr. Vidal, their trusted and reliable concierge doctor, with any new inquiry or concern, without necessarily waiting for a possible issue to become a medical problem. This, in turn, may lead to improved medical results and overall wellness, as minor problems are diagnosed, addressed, and treated by Vidal Medical Concierge while they are still minor, rather than waiting for them to grow and only then seeking medical advice.